Message from Our Superintendent
"The function of education is to teach one to think intensively and to think critically. Intelligence plus character - that is the goal of true education"
- Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.
The North Gibson School Corporation represents the communities of Princeton, Hazleton, Mt. Olympus, Patoka, and Wheeling. North Gibson School Corporation is an excellent school system with outstanding faculty, a highly engaged student body, and a school community which takes great pride in their support of our students, schools, and activities.
We are very proud that students attending our school district are provided a locally created, rigorous curriculum developed around the Indiana College and Career Readiness Standards. Students are provided opportunities to engage in project-based learning and STEM activities such as Robotics, Computer Coding, Machine Trades and Advance Manufacturing, Welding, Agriculture, Building Trades, Childcare/Education, and much more. These exciting programs, along with opportunity for co-curricular activities such as band, choir and theatre, and our successful athletics programs, provide an opportunity for each and every student to be engaged in our school community. Our mission includes an opportunity for all students to attain the highest level of academic achievement through the academic and extra-curricular programming offered here at North Gibson School Corporation.
Dr. Eric Goggins, Supt.
As a parent of two students in the NGSC. I feel it is important to speak on how well the staff and educators handle both aspects of general education as well as special needs. NGSC, has amazing people working for them to give every child a hand up for a brighter future. ~ Krista Lung, Parent
I am proud of this school community. I really do appreciate the teachers here. Some of them are like a mentor in my life. ~ Jackie Young, Class of 2016
My time at Princeton has helped not only for my current position (as county prosecutor), but all the other things I did before that, and it gave me a lot of confidence. ~ Rob Krieg, Class of 1989/Parent
Our teachers care about our students, and they want them to succeed. All that interaction tells the student I recognize what is going on and I want you to succeed. ~ Cindy Hofman, Retired North Gibson Teacher